$21.08 is an example of a currency Number format in Excel
For items like currency, one can format numbers in cells in Excel.
To view all possible number formats, click the Dialog Box Launcher attached to Number on the Home tab in the Number group.
In the Format Cells dialog box, in the Category list, click Currency or Accounting.
In the Symbol box, tick the currency symbol.
In the Decimal places box, insert the number of decimal places.
Employed for common financial values and presents the default currency figure with quantities.
Ctrl+Shift+$ is a shortcut to represent currency values.
A food establishment needs a thermometer to make sure no food is under cooked or overly cooked
A. Yes, you are still IFR with VFR-on-top clearance
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) are regulations controlling the operations of civil aviation. Pilots use these terms as well to describe their flight plan.
When your request is rejected to fly 9500 feet from atc, your VFR-on-top clearance is still active and you are still IFR.
The answer should be A, I'm unsure how to explain this to you, sorry, but I hope you remember this for future reference