Nutrients in coral reefs are recycling efficiently because the water is so shallow. Coral reefs are generally located along tropical coastlines, in open ocean deserts. They thrive in tropical, low nutrient waters because there is no phytoplankton in there. They are home to a large number of species,
Lymphoid organs in the immune system, includes the bone marrow
Correct answer is ... Seeds have endosperm which provides nourishment for a new plant, but spores do not have any stored food supplies. :)
Answer: The answer I got was Penicillin!
I know that marine biotechnology has came out with other antibiotics including squalamine and cephalosporin. This is an educated guess but based on the other answer choices Penicillin sounds more reasonable!!
1. phytoplankton and other organisms harness sunlight , to create photosynthesis , near hydrothermal vent there is no sunlight
2. Phytoplankton need nutrients to grow, so when there's none at the surface they can't thrive, and there's no surface in hydrothermal vent
3. The ocean's increasing acidity will most likely kill them.
Hope that helps