Phrase that best accurately characterizes STIs is A. Bacteria, viruses, and/or parasites
Sigmund Freud's stages of development explains the psychological stages of the sexual development in humans. These stages explain the libido psychology of the individuals.
The first stage of the Freud's stages of development is oral. The oral stage is the stage before 1 years of age. The child is in the first year of his development. This includes the development of the child in the oral stage only.
Thus, the correct answer is option (b).
1. Yoga
2. Resistance Band Workouts
3. Bodyweight Training
Aerobic exercise such as walking, running, and cycling is well-known as a way to help increase the number of calories you burn in a day and thereby shed extra pounds. But strength training helps, too (even if you’re not burning a huge number of calories during the workout).
I am an organ donor. I believe that if my body can make someone survive an illness (cancer/leukemia) or recover from a condition such as blindness or a missing limb, then It is my duty to allow for that to happen. When I die, my soul will go on but my body will just rot so why not let someone use up what they can. I am especially strong in my opinion when dealing with pediatric illnesses. If a child needs my lungs or my kidneys, they should take them and live a long life. After I pass, they are useless to me!
I hope so! Having friends and being able to socialize with them is a very important part of mental health.