The answer is A)
In programming languages like java you can only use single inhertance meaning a class can only inherit attributes from one class. But in other languanges like C you can have multiple inhertance
Possible consequences for cyber bullying include depression, isolation and illness
The reason for this is when a person is hurt there body tends to go through things to make them feel a certain way about things.
ls -pla > mydir
ls is the command to list the contents of the directory.
-p option indicate / as the designator for directories
-l options enables line by line entries for files
-a option lists all files including special files starting with .
> is used for redirecting the output of the ls command to the specified file.
So ls -pla > mydir will run ls command with -pla option and populate the file mydir with the contents of the result.
1). The waxing gibbous phase represents the portion of the cycle of phases
during which the moon appears more than half but less than fully lit, and is growing
as time goes on. In the picture, it's everything from position-3 to position-5. It's
one fourth of the entire cycle, which is 7.4 days, so you'd see it on 7 or 8 consecutive
(The complete cycle of phases is 29.53 days.)
2). The complete cycle of phases is 29.53 days. Any phase visible on December 21
is visible again on January 19 or January 20.
3). From position-8 to position-5 in the picture is 5/8 of all the way around.
(5/8) of (29.53) = 18.5 days.
4). The locations of high- and low-tides on the Earth are influenced by the position
of the moon and the rotation of the Earth.
5). A lunar eclipse is the result of the moon sailing into the Earth's shadow.
The Earth's shadow is out behind it, opposite to the sun, toward position-5
in the picture, not position-4.
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