Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun and is captured by solar cells. These cells transform the energy of photons of light into electrical energy. One mechanism is the energization of electrons, here the energy of the photons is transferred to the electrons, which can already be considered electric energy.
As for the hydroelectric energy, here the waterfalls or rivers flow driving a turbine, which will transform the movement into usable electric energy as it rotates.
<span>The 4 categories of macromolecules include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates (grains and vegetables) are the largest group at the base of the pyramid, proteins (milk, poultry, eggs, nuts) follow up the pyramid while lipids (fats and oils) are the least amount at the summit of the pyramid. </span>
</span><span>The aim of the pyramid is to recommend ideal rations for a healthy diet. Carbohydrates provide most of the energy needs for the days’ activities hence taking the largest portion. Proteins are used in building muscles, f0r nutrition, and body’s immunity hence required in lesser amounts compared to carbohydrates. Lipids help the body store energy since they have thrice as much energy as carbohydrates.They also a constituent of cell membranes and also help deliver vitamins. They are required in the least amount to avoid obesity and related illnesses such as cardiovascular <span>diseases</span></span>
we would all die becuase there would be no oxogen that plants produce and no carbon that we exhale.