Many reasons in a free market capitalistic system; their product or service is not in great demand, their product /service is not the best one on the market in terms or quality/price, their product/service does not have enough publicity to sell well, big corporate companies (amazon, walmart, etc.) have a monopoly on most goods and services and sell them at lower prices while underpaying/ overworking workers
It’s considered ironic that he praises the castle atmosphere because the atmospheres is in actuality quite tense seeing as the Lord and Lady Macbeth are in disagreement about what to do with him. It’s also ironic because the Lady is hospitable but only in order to lower his guard so that she can kill him.
I would say the author means that it would be impossible, or would require tech that today's tech cannot do.
science fiction, or fiction, usually means make believe or fake.
The answer is Allegory because it’s a direct comparison of story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.
It's an octave that's what it is because it has 8 lines