The answer is B: indolent or inactive
What claim is the author making in the argument?
-you could be helping them do something bad to themselves without knowing it.
-They could be going through a rough time and because you couldn’t relate, you would make it worse for them.
-people need space sometimes and if you don’t give that to them, they won’t feel good about themselves.
-everyone has feelings and not everyone wants people in their personal business
B. Europeans wanted to buy more slaves
Europeans began to practice the lucrative slave trade, which took place for four centuries between the African continent and the American continent. The slave trade brought about changes in African society, because the increase or decrease of internal slavery (in Africa) was related to the greater or lesser external demand (for America). Therefore, the greater the need for slaves in America, the greater the number of enslaved people in Africa. Thus, slave trade became a profitable business. For this reason, African traders began to search for more people to enslave.