Quakers were allowed to practice their religion freely and without persecution
Quakers had religious freedom in pennsylvania. The colonoybwas established by a fellow quaker called william Penn. King charles was his friend and he did not want to kill him. In other to avoid being persecuted, he was given grant to get land.
It was a very good place to settle with philadelphia being the most developed city the continent had. As proprietor, william Penn granted religious freedom and tolerance to all.
Self-government is, at root, a culture of public responsibility among a citizenry; that is, a widely accepted norm that citizens can and should take a role in public decision-making. People must believe that they have the right, duty, and ability to govern themselves
Goddess of the sky
Nut is a daughter of the air god shu and the moisture god tefnut. Her brother and husband is Geb. She had four or, in some sources, five children: Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephthys, and in some sources Horus.