Andrew jackson and donald trump
The ancient Israelite influenced western civilization by introducing their monotheism belief which allowed them to worship only one God. Also, their sacred scriptures which helped them in building foundations of western civilizations. The Israelite kingdoms were the Kingdom of Israel and Judah which emerged in Iron age enjoyed being political and military power in the before its destruction in the hands of Assyrians and Babylonian.
Scientific management refers to management philosophy where workflows are analysed and metabolized. Its main aim is to improve economic efficiency, particularly the productivity of labor.
It was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to process engineering and to management. For all the time being, the movement for scientific management produced revolutionary ideas — ideas like staff training, as well as the implementation of standardized best practices to increase productivity.
Thus, from the above we can conclude that the given statement is true.
Monopoly - the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.interstate commerce- Interstate commerce refers to the purchase, sale or exchange of commodities, transportation of people, money or goods, and navigation of waters between different states.Cede-give up (power or territory