Refer below.
Dominated politics in Georgia from 1872 to 1890: Label Bourbon Triumvirate
Encouraged blacks and whites to cooperate: Tom Watson
Increased urbanization and growth of Georgia cities: Label Bourbon Triumvirate
Brought mail delivery to rural Georgia areas: Tom Watson
Became very wealthy: Tom Watson
Influenced Georgia politics beginning in 1890: Tom Watson
Focused on improving the lives of farmers: Tom Watson
The answer to your question is: True. The ancient egyptiants participated in sports such as wrestling, long jump, swimming, rowing, etc
Yoruba/African tribe
, Ancient Crete fertility rites and the Dionysian Cult Dance.
All of the cultures mentioned, in exception of the Christian circle, believe or believed that dances were capable of inducing a trance-like state in which the dancer may be possessed by a spirit or god. In the Ancient Greece culture, both the Dionysian cult and the Fertility rites involved dancing, drinking and entering in trance-like states. The Yoruba african tribe does as well, where music is very important.
It lead to a truce between them
Meeting with Major Anderson, he said, "You have defended your flag nobly, Sir. You have done all that it is possible to do, and General Beauregard wants to stop this fight. On what terms, Major Anderson, will you evacuate this fort?" Anderson was encouraged that Wigfall had said "evacuate," not "surrender." He was low on ammunition, fires were burning out of control, and his men were hungry and exhausted. Satisfied that they had defended their post with honor, enduring over 3,000 Confederate rounds without losing a man, Anderson agreed to a truce at 2:00 p.m