Es un río enclavado en la parte este del continente africano cuya cuenca alberga Uganda, Etiopía, Tanzania, Ruanda, Burundi, Kenia, Sudán, Sudán del Sur, Eritrea, República Democrática del Congo y, por supuesto, Egipto. Está conformado por 2 sistemas fluviales: el Nilo Azul en Etiopía y el Nilo Blanco en Burundi. El primero tiene su inicio en el lago Tana y se une al Blanco en Sudán, a través de unos 1,400 kilómetros. Por su parte, la fuente del Nilo Blanco es un poco confusa; es posible que el río Ruvyronza, un afluente del río Kagera, sea su fuente más remota. Excepto durante agosto y septiembre, el Nilo Azul provee menos del 20 por ciento del agua del Nilo.
Militarism is the aggressive strengthening of armed forces. Nations raced to build up their armed forces and formed military alliances.
to decide domestic and foreign policies.
The answer is: Political bosses expanded their power by helping immigrants in return for their loyalty.
At that time, many of the political bosses realized that if they somehow can help the immigrants obtain their citizenship, the immigrants will become much more likely to return their favor.
This mean that they can influence the immigrants to vote for them during the election in exchange for the citizenship. This help the political bosses expanded their power.
Because males were returning from war, the females who previously held the males' positions in factories, etcetera, were either forced out of these jobs, or were permitted to keep them, a trend that destroyed the idea of the "stay-at-home mom".