You should multiply 20 time 8 to get your answer
AFC = FC / Quantity printed
<span>So given she prints 1,000 posters: AFC = 250.00/1000 = $0.25 </span>
<span>Given she prints 2,000 posters: AFC = 250.00/2000 = $0.125 </span>
<span>Given she prints 10,000 posters: AFC = 250.00/2000 = $0.025 </span>
<span>ATC = TC / Quantity printed </span>
<span>where TC = FC + Variable C * Quantity printed </span>
<span>If she prints 1000: TC = 250 + 2000*1000 = 2,000,250 </span>
<span>ATC = 2,000,250/1000 = 2000.25 </span>
<span>If she prints 2000: TC = 250 + 1600*2000 = 3,200,250 </span>
<span>ATC = 3,200,250/2000 = 1600.125 </span>
<span>If she prints 10000: TC = 250 + 1600*2000 + 1000*8000 ($1000 for each additional poster after 2000) = 11,200,250 </span>
<span>ATC = 11,200,250/10000 = 1120.025</span>
4.5 is the answer 9/2=4.5
Step-by-step explanation:
Wind speed
Another very old approach to measure wind speed is through the use of a pressure tube
Microbars per second
Earthquake intensity
The currently accepted method is the moment magnitude scale, which measures the total amount of energy released by the earthquake.
The Richter scale is used to determine the intensity of earthquakes
Step-by-step explanation: