When you must handle several hazards at the same time, the best tactic is to adjust your speed to separate the hazards, because decision making is the most important ability to safe driving. Adjusting your speed will help you to notice all potential hazards and to prevent them from happening. Speed most affects how far ahead you must look, vehicle control, and the distance you need to stop.
trust me I had it on engenuity
B) proactive interference
proactive interference is tendency of previous learning to interrupt current learning.
since here, varian's previous learning of Latin is making him difficult to grasp Greek. It can be well explained by proactive interference.
motivated forgetting happens when people try to forget certain things which they find irrelevant either unconsciously or consciously
proactive interference is phenomenon in which current learning hinders the learning of previous learnt knowledge.
temporary amnesia also known as transient amnesia is phenomenon in which a person losses memory before, during and after sometime of the event(the particular event which one is not able to remember).