C. Self-determination.
Self-determination, which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson preferred to call "self-government," was a political condition which he considered essential if the world was to have a peaceful co-existence after the huge levels violence, and loss of human lives and property caused by World War I. Unfortunately, the French delegation that negotiated peace with Germany and the other countries of the Central Powers, took over complete control of the negotiation and Wilson' proposal, or The Fourteen Points, was ignored.
The surrender of the nazi's and the dropping of the atom bomb
First was the Roman Republic, then came the Roman Empire. In the 4th century BCE, the Roman Republic turned to imperialism. After losing a significant battle with the Gauls, a Celtic people, the Romans concluded that in order to sustain safety, they would have to expand their territory so the frontiers would be a good distance from the capital, Rome. They successfully fought a series of wars with other Italian city-states as well as the Carthaginians, achieving their goal. Warfare gave excessive power to the military leaders, weakening the influence of the Senate and thus the democracy became undermined. That is how it was transformed to a vast empire.
Eight hours is all I have to say
Government officials are elected by the citizens of the country. The officials in turn keep to the agenda that they promised, and carry out what the citizens "want" (which is why they elected him for). A republic also uses the free market economic system, which means that prices & amount of goods depend on the amount of consumers, & the quality depends on competition from other companies.