In the past, 26% of all homes with a stay-at-home parent, the father is the stay-at-home parent. An independent research firm ha
s been charged with conducting a sample survey to obtain more current information.(a) What sample size is needed if the research firm's goal is to estimate the current proportion of homes with a stay-at-home parent in which the father is the stay-at-home parent with a margin of error of 0.04? Use a 95% confidence level. (Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)(b) Repeat part (a) using a 99% confidence level. (Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)
(Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)(b) Repeat part (a) using a 99% confidence level. (Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)
To find The interest rate the formula is R=I÷pt r interest rate? I interest earned 622.5 P principle 12450 T time 1 year So R=622.5÷(12,450×1) R=0.05×100=5%