Depending on the form, the English sonnet explores a topic until the final couplet in which the general issues is presented, while the Italian sonnet presents the problem until the end of the second quatrain, and then the overall it presents the solution, which is not found in English sonnets.
Technology is embedded in every aspect of life
In this day, there is not a single aspect in our life that is not dominated by tecnology.
Even without our cell phone, the most used and widespread technology device, technology plays succh a huge impact in Western life that is impossible to districate completely our life from it.
Thank to electricity we have infiite access to all sort of technologies going from computers to cars to freezers and radiators.
We depend on technology.
d the flamingos would seem more threatening
Mob is a word with a negative connotation like "mob mentality".
Hnn hai par bhohut jald marne wali hu