The three options given don't seem to be correct...
Sustainability is how biological systems remain diverse and productive.
Ecological Footprint is the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated.
Agriculture is the science of raising plants and/or animals for food, clothing or other useful products or the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock.
Pollution is always a good way to go but you don't have to do air pollution you can do water pollution or both air and water pollution.
A. they have shared matter.
number 1 answer is 3.
number 2 energy is flowing upwards. ex grasshopper eats the grass, rat or whatever that is eats the grasshopper, and the hawk eats the rat. energy is going up each trophic level.
number 3. if the grass became polluted, then animals would get pollution in their bodies and at some point would die. eventually the grass would die too. primary consumers such as mouse, rabbit, grasshopper/snails would accumulate the most pollution because they directly eat the grass. whatever that is in the grass goes straight into their bodies.
b. Nucleotides
Nucleic acids are examples of structures formed from nucleotides. And in relation to the composition of DNA, we have the formation of the largest cellular macromolecule, all formed by nucleotides.
The nucleotide is a group formed by the association of 3 molecules - a nitrogen base, a phosphate group and a pentose glycide. Thus, we may have variations within these ligands, such as: in DNA we have the presence of pentose deoxyribose, while in RNA we have the presence of pentose ribose.
The nucleotides have differences in relation to its nitrogen base, which can be purine or pyrimidine. Purine bases vary in Adenine and Guanine, while pyrimidine bases are classified in Thymine, Uracil and Cytosine. Purine and pyrimidine bases are complementary and each have specific binders. Thus, we have that the purine base Adenina, binds with the pyrimidine bases Timina and Uracila, while the base Guanina binds exclusively to Cytosine and vice versa.