The family gives the Duvitches their fish back, and the Duvitches invite them over for food. They hang out and soon the whole neighborhood accepts them for who they are.
1) am sufferring, have
2) you
3) went, it
4) do you, parents
5) don't
6) did you, doctor
7) said
8) are you alright
9) hungry, anything to eat
She should probably show a picture of the singer so that people know what the singer looks like and will be able to associate a name with a face
The pigs take charge and begin to control the other animals. Napoleon uses Squealer and the dogs to stop the animals' questions about the windmill. Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions.
First of all, Gatsby comes right out and asks Nick what he thinks of him. This is an odd question for anyone to ask, given that socially it would be considered rude. Stranger still is that he does not give Nick time to answer, he just moves forward with telling Nick a bunch of things about himself.
The second thing that is odd, is that Gatsby says he is from the "middle-west". When Nick asks what part, he says "San Francisco" which is on the far west coast.
The third thing that is odd, even though Nick is feeling like everything Gatsby says is a lie, is when Gatsby actually pulls out a couple pieces of evidence that he is actually telling the truth! He shows Nick a medal from Montenegro and a picture of him at Oxford.