The correct answer would be secure attachment. It is an attachment style that is characterized by children showing some distress or violent reaction when the one they are attached to are lost or away from them. They feel secure and protected when the things they are attached to are with them.
I would help, But I can't read the words. Sorry :-(
He thought he'd landed on Mainland China
Rainforests are forests characterized by high and continuous rainfall, with annual rainfall in the case of tropical rainforests between 2.5 and 4.5 metres, and definitions varying by region for temperate rainforests.
Deserts are often defined as areas that receive less than 10 inches of average annual rainfall, but a more accurate defining factor is aridity. In addition to low rainfall, deserts are characterized by a high rate of water loss from the ground (evaporation) and through plants (transpiration).
Need for affiliation
, Need for uniqueness
The need for the affiliation is the term which is used to describe the need of the person to feel the sense of the involvement and also to belong within the social group. It is likely fulfilled by the products and services which makes people to hang in groups.
The need for the uniqueness is the term which is used the describe the pursuit of the individual to be different and the deposition of the goods and services which can be used for the purpose of enhancing the personal identity. It is likely to be fulfilled when the products bring distinctive qualities of the individual.