Answer: Sustainable development
According to the question, the McDonald is basically engaging in the sustainable development. The sustainable development is the process in which it fulfill the given needs of the today with proper balancing the needs of the future.
The main aim of the sustainable development is that it helps in balancing the environmental. social and the economical needs. The sustainable development basically stable the economical growth and the helps in the conservation of the natural resources.
The three main pillar of the sustainable development are :
- Environmental
- Social
- Economical
The suggestions are:
Be VERY understanding of their feelings
Do not do it out of apology but out of love-- don't apologize for God's ways
That day, make them feel as much involved and invited as you can.
These are very important suggestions to treat people in this situation because is important to know that they are important even if their opinions are not the same as yours.
We learn behaviors, attitudes and any other aspects of our culture through domestic education in early childhood. Most forms are accepted at that age, even unconscious. Upgrading is done later, through life, through education, self-education, personal interests of the hobby. What is embedded in an early childhood is necessarily manifest later in life. Children can learn through different stories, later through schooling, lectures, but the most important thing is what children see, as the actions of adults, in the first place, parents, later teachers, the environment, the dominant social group, friends, employers, etc. Everyone can say that he adopts what he hears and what he learns, but what comes out of the subconscious as a pattern is what we see around us.
The three different branches of government include Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive. The different branches work with checks and balances to keep each other "in check." THinking about it, is that where the phrase, "in check" comes from?
Why each are important:
The Legislative makes the laws. (Congress, Senate, and House of Representatives)
The Executive enforces the laws.
THe Judiciary interprets the laws.
The legislative branch of the federal government, composed primarily of the U.S. Congress, is responsible for making the country's laws.