Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are exercises to give you practice with common denominators. For each of these questions, change all the fractions to common denominators, and the answers jump out at you.
#1). 5/12 = 25/60 2/5 = 24/60 Make um negative, and then you'll have the answer right away.
#2). The one that's negative is obviously the least. Both positive ones must be bigger than the negative one. For the positive ones:
2/5 = 6/15 2/3 = 10/15 . Now it's easy.
#3). This is tough. The least common denominator is 2,520 ! It's probably easier to just do the divisions and get the decimals for each fraction.
-5/8 = -0.625 -7/9 = -0.777... -4/5 = -0.8 -3/7 = -0.428... Now it's easy to line um up.
#4). Sneaky one. Look closely at each fraction. B, C, and D are all less than 1, so they're not between 1 and anything more than 1. 8/5 is the only one that's more than 1.
#5). A fraction is just a short way to write a division problem. When you see a fraction, it means
"the top number divided by the bottom number" .
When you actually do the division, the quotient you get is the decimal form of the fraction.
To change a decimal into a percent, move the decimal point two places that way ==> .
The numbers in the boxes at the bottom of #5 are the correct numbers, but they both should be negative. (because the -3/8 is negative)