When an emergency vehicle is approaching your vehicle from any direction with its flashing red or blue lights, or siren or bell sounding, you are required to bring your vehicle to an immediate stop.
I really hope this helped you out! :)
1. elegy - a poem written in an elevated style about a serious subject.
Elegies are often written as a lament for the dead or address another serious subject in a reflective way. It is also written in an elevated style.
2. ballad- a poem written in four-line stanzas
An example of a ballad is the Ballad of Birmingham. The poem is written in four-line stanzas and speaks about the tragedy of the Birmingham bombing in which the KKK bombed a church killing 4 girls and injuring countless others.
3. epic - a heroic, narrative poem about a national hero
A famous epic is the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is about Gilgamesh's journey to find immortality and become a better king.
4. caesura - a pause or break in a line of poetry
The pause or break is often created using punctuation such as commas.
5. scop - poet
A scop is used to identify an Old English poet usually of oral tradition.
Answer: B) Indirect Characterization
Explanation: Indirect characterization is the process by which the writer shows the character's personality through speech, actions and appearance. When you watch a movie or television show, you can usually gather what type of person the main character is based on the character's actions and reactions in different situations.
The search for natural rock arches
this essay is about the narrator's rock arch hunting. The narrator enjoys looking for the rock arches because they are rare and don't seem physically possible.
b Hattie is better able to adapt to new circumstances better than Evelyn
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