1. Turn the water off when washing the dishes.
2. Turn the sink off when brushing your teeth instead of letting it run
3. Take a 2-5 minute shower (no longer)
4. Do not leave the water running when you use water
5. Do not fill up a cup of water that you will not drink, pour it in plants or put it in the fridge to stay cold
One easy way to measure the "size" of a ball is how far it is from side to side. Your tennis ball example is a good one: a typical tennis ball is about 2.5 inches form side to side.
The liver does many important things including: Makes bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion. Makes certain proteins for blood plasma. Makes cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body.
The cell membrane like a wall for the cell.
All organisms require some sort of oxygen to survive. Fish have gills that pull the oxygen from the water.