The square root of 10 is irrational. It’s a non-perfect square.
There must always be people willing to bear the risk of new business undertakings in addition to simple risk bearing, however it is necessary to have people who will control and co-ordinate the various factor of production such people could device the nature, the quantity, the quality and the distribution of new products as well as becoming the risk of success of failure.
Many universities only accept APA citation format.
Citation or referencing is a process in which any information compiled in the report is added a source from where such information is extracted. It is sometimes very difficult to enter correct references. There are certain rules for citation in Ms word which needs to be followed to enter the correct references.
Ray Kroc was the food critic that pushed McDonald to what it is today. Walt Disney was from a broken home until he created Disney and even today, it is a great billion dollar company. Disney was born in Chicago, so answer A would be incorrect. C would be incorrect also because Walt Disney was raised in poverty rated homes. The answer, one I cannot give you because you should need to complete it yourself, should either be D or B.