The police largely exists for the enforcement of civil law and secondly for solving crime cases. The police are known as law enforcement agents. That also carry out detailed investigations into crime cases as they attempt to solve crime of various sorts.
Sustainable development empowers the public and ensures their participation in development activities. It sustains biodiversity and maintains financial stability. Sustainable development emphasizes social progress developing health,education, agriculture, and social development.
The following are the best five answers for ways to conserve fuel:
-Ride a bike to work instead of drive.
-Call a store to see if they have what you want to buy.
-Share a ride with someone else.
-Take a bus instead of drive.
-Avoid maintaining your vehicle unless it's absolutely necessary.
The first sentence is referring to a secondary reinforce while
the second sentence is referring to primary reinforce. A primary reinforce are
usually base on biological things such as the water we drink or food that we
eat while the secondary reinforce is base on the conditions that humans is
reinforcing such as money or grades.