Because of the Crusades, the Christian as well as the Islamic world had 360 degrees changes and negative long-term effects. Before the crusades most of Christians were pacifists and regard Jesus Christ as the Prince of peace; but due to the Crusades, Christians' posture about violence totally changed. From their perspective violence could be justified if it was used just in wars to defend their church and God's mandates. Although at first, the Crusades were used in order for Christian pilgrimages to access the Holy city of Jerusalem, which was something good because the Muslims had taken control over the city and didn't let them in. Later on, the Crusaders lost their original path and promoted religious warfare for two and half centuries committing pillaging, murder among other atrocities not only against Muslims but also against any other vulnerable minorities.
Crusades also helped to elevate the authority of the papacy as the authoritative spiritual and temporal power in Europe before the emergence of the nation-states. Nowadays, because of the way Crusades develop most Muslims regard them as cruel and savage onslaughts by European Christians.
In the <em>Lochner v. New York</em> case of 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not <u>impose limits on the number of hours that employees could work.</u>
Further details:
A law passed in 1895 in the state of New York mandated that bakery employees could not work more than 10 hours a day and not more than 60 hours in a week. A bakery owner named Joseph Lochner filed suit against the state, claiming the law was unconstitutional. At the time, the Supreme Court decision was based on the idea that such laws violated an employee's "freedom of contract." The majority of justices saw such a right implicit in the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, thinking that if employees agreed to work a heavy number of hours it was their right to do so.
In the time since the Lochner case, the Supreme Court has gone in the other direction, allowing laws that impose reasonable restrictions on businesses. An example would be <em>West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish </em>(1937), which upheld the constitutionality of a minimum wage law passed in Washington state.
The main idea in Madison's federalist paper #51 is that checks and balances can and should be put in place in a federal government in order to keep any single branch from becoming too powerful.
Under article VI of the Constitution, the laws of Congress and all treaties are the law of the land.
This article creates all the laws within a country, which were made in accordance with the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Additionally, this article deals with forbidding a certain religion from preventing a candidate from holding his or her position.