The first challenge is that there is not electric conection.So the computer won't be able to function.Also there will be noone who will be able to use it due to the lack of education.Plus there will not be internet connection , limitting the abilities of the computer to the very basics.In addition there will not be any tools or spare parts in order to fix a computer.Finally even if thete were spare parts there woul not be someone able to gix the computer.
I hop I was helpful.Let me know if you need anything else.
What is the importance of applying a brace as a support point in a structure is given in the following
- So overall purpose of bracing is to provide additional safety against the external loads in comparable self-building. The main function of the bracing in steel structures that the lateral forces due to wind, earthquake and crane surge etc. are transmitted efficiently to the foundation of the building.
- In construction, cross bracing is a system utilized to reinforce building structures in which diagonal supports intersect. Cross bracing can increase a building's capability to withstand seismic activity. Bracing is important in earthquake resistant buildings because it helps keep a structure standing.
- A bracing system is a secondary but essential part of a bridge structure. A bracing system serves to stabilize the main girders during construction, to contribute to the distribution of load effects and to provide restraint to compression flanges or chords where they would otherwise be free to buckle laterally.
- A bracing system is a secondary but essential part of a bridge structure. A bracing system serves to stabilize the main girders during construction, to contribute to the distribution of load effects and to provide restraint to compression flanges or chords where they would otherwise be free to buckle laterally.
c) 10.
The script will return 10 after the user enters 5 at both prompts.In the script we have three variables firstNumber,secondNumberand thirdNumber.Where the user is entering the values in the firstNumber and the secondNumber and thirdNumber stores the sum of firsNumber and secondNumber and after that it writes on the web page using the document.write.
The know-nothing party was a strong anti catholic party and anti-immigration party, so that rules out the first option. Also we can rule out the second and last options because they have less to do with the party. The answer would be C.
true false
list1 is assigned as Atlanta, Macon, Savanna
list2 is assigned as Atlanta, Macon, Savanna
list3 is assigned as Macon, Atlanta, Savanna
After these assignments,
The program checks if lis1 is equal to list2 and prints the result. Since both lists are equal, it will print true
The program checks if lis1 is equal to list3 and prints the result. Even though both lists contain the same elements, the order is different, it will print false.