In the world of sports there’s been some great action displayed among high caliber athletes. Hockey is a sport that dates back from 4000 years ago in Egypt. Another sport that is widely known across the world for its action, is soccer, or in other countries outside the United States would refer to it, as football. Both of these sports have similar characteristics in the rules and regulations according to the NCAA. of what a player needs in order to win in the playoffs in the sport at the highest league. NHL as a league has its own trophy which is known as the Stanley Cup. In Soccer the World Cup is the term used to describe postseason play success. Hockey and soccer have always had similar and different characteristics that are unique to each …show more content…
From personal experience when I played soccer for Somonauk, there were times that I couldn’t even stand up because my body wasn’t used to all the running and conditioning. Now, it feels like a force is pushing to run when in times of need. When I first started playing soccer for the first couple of years it felt as if though that my feet weren 't there at all from all the kicking and running. I remember that my coach would put a lot more emphasis on our aim and how we kicked the ball into the net. For a top league like World Cup players would have to abide by more complex rules instead of the basic rules that my team and I had to follow. I was a forward player making plays for the defence as accordingly. My job as a forward was to make sure the defence would get into position to score goals since my team had a solid …show more content…
Soccer and hockey in the top leagues of play have rules and regulations to abide by to make the game fair. Soccer has a place known as the goal area and hockey has a place on the ice called the goal crease. Both of these areas where players would play in are the same. In the NCAA rules and regulations for both mens and womens leagues of hockey and soccer have goal lines that extend parallel from the goalkeeper.”(NCAA IH6(8)(SO14(10) Also what is similar to both sports are what happens if the ball or puck is shot off play. In page 25 in the NCAA rules and regulations, “The referee shall, however, refrain from penalizing in cases in which he or she is satisfied that by doing so an advantage would be given to the offending team.”(NCAA SO14 P25) Similar rules apply to hockey when the puck is sent out of play for any circumstances.