Egyptians believed the life did not end when a person died but that it continued. They believed the pharaoh would become god or goddess after his death that is why they were buried with their servants and their treasures for the afterlife. Only rich people and pharaohs could be mummified in Egypt as their religion dictated. The process followed several steps and was done by a priest with the mask of the god Anubis. The first step was to remove the internal organs of the body, the brain and then the organs of the lower part of the body. Secondly, rinse inside the body with wine and spices and place the organs in canopic jars (liver, lungs, intestine and stomach which previously have been dried) except for the heart which was to be weigh in afterlife by the god Anubis to decide if the person was good or bad. The heart was left in the body. Thirdly, the body was coverd with natron (salt) for 70 days. Finally, the body was wrap with bandages and placed in a sarcophagus.
Answer:Serious droughts happen again and again in China, India, Australia, Chile, Bolivia, Ethiopia, and the Philippines (Woods and Woods, 2007). From early 2000 onwards severe droughts affected vast areas of South Asia, including Western India, Southern and Central Pakistan.
This is an example of imitation/copying.
Imitation is a way of behavior where an individual<em> observes and replicates the behavior of others.</em> It is a reproduction of an act that is simulated by the perception of a similar act by another animal or person.
To imitate/copy somebody or something a model is needed. The copying may be done none-consciously ( seeing and copying others without thinking about the reason to do it ,) or it can be a conscious strategy ( out of uncertainty how to act or behave in some situation).
In Libby's case, the act of imitation<em> comes as a conscious process of wanting to behave correctly</em> and to fit in with others.The other students are Libby's model to copy her behavior from.
<span>трение (friction) is the answer mate