It is absolutely ethical to charge those with lower incomes less money, and those with higher incomes more money.
Ethical theories have rules/principles that are used to determine right or wrong in any given situation. In this situation will be used Utilitarian, Kant and Natural law theories.
Utilitarians: use to consider the greatest good for all, so is the case to consider if a homosexual relation is beneficial to all involved. Also society judgment should depend on if it had good or bad social consequences. For Kant’s ethics (which is basically based on reason not emotion) the actions are judged in terms of respects for others and should be based on honesty and good intentions. Finally, for Natural law ethics it would be analyzed from whether the practice is consistent with the human nature.
Acknowledgement is known as a declaration made by a person before a public officer that he/she freely and voluntarily executed a deed or other instrument.
Acknowledgement is also defined as the acceptance of the truth pertaining to a case. It helps in investigation processes too.There are conditions attached to this type of declaration such as lesser penalties for the crime committed in most climes of the world.
It breaks the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
The Fourth Amendment is about the right for privacy and freedom, and it protects the citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. It protects the individual inside their homes and, most recently, in the use of tecnologies. There is a need to have a search warrant granted by a judge to investigate insides people houses and phones.
The GreenDuds company is acting against the law when it allows the investigators to use "whatever means necessary", since it assumes that they will probably break phone records not by doing a claim to a judge, but by unlawful means, such as hacking or paying someone in the phones company to provide those informations.