French revolution/CAN I GET BRAINLEST
The revolution begins Presentation to the King of the Deputies of the Estates-General at Versailles. The clergy and nobles are welcomed with formal ceremonies and processions, the Third Estate is not.
May 5: Formal opening of the Estates-General at Versailles.
May 6: The Deputies of the Third Estate refuse to meet separately from the other Estates, occupy the main hall, and invite the clergy and nobility to join them.
May 11: The nobility refuses to meet together with the Third Estate, but the clergy hesitates, and suspends the verification of its deputies.
May 20: The clergy renounces its special tax privileges, and accepts the principle of fiscal equality.
May 22: The nobility renounces its special tax privileges. However, the three estates are unable to agree on a common program.
May 25: The Third Estate deputies from Paris, delayed by election procedures, arrive in Versailles.
Jean Sylvain Bailly, leader of the Third Estate (1789)
June 1789