All territories in South America will be protected by any needs necessary (protected from communism)
Answer: “The very act of taxing, exercised over those who are not represented, appears to me to be depriving them of one of their most essential rights,” Otis wrote in his 1764 pamphlet, “The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved.” The pamphlet, which argued that Parliament had no authority to tax the colonies.
Answer: Tucker is critical of Carnegie because a society should not feed off the success of one man.
A vassal needed economic resources to equip the cavalry he was bound to contribute to his lord to fight his frequent wars. Such resources, in the absence of a money economy, came only from land and its associated assets, which included peasants as well as wood and water.
Russian version:
Вассалу нужны были экономические ресурсы, чтобы вооружить кавалерию, которую он должен был предоставить своему господину для ведения частых войн. Такие ресурсы, в отсутствие денежной экономики, поступали только из земли и связанных с ней активов, которые включали крестьян, а также древесину и воду.
Sorry if the translation is incorrect I had to use translate/Извините, если перевод правильный, мне пришлось использовать гугл переводчик.
The Russian Revolution had the effect of putting an end to the major arena of fighting on the Eastern Front in World War I. It temporarily helped the Germans by freeing up troops, but this advantage did not do the Germans much good. Therefore, the revolution did not really end up making much of a difference in the outcome of the war.
hope this helps :)