does it have water and sun through the hole?
if not it will die. if you specify i will edit my answer.
To explain the last sentence, what I mean by that is the sudden decrease in air pollution in just a few weeks is what would have typically taken multiple years to do. Due to less drivers, factories shutting down, and more, less toxic and infirm mental hazardous chemicals were released into the atmosphere in an extremely short amount of time. However, nowdays, it is almost back to where is was before the pandemic.
It is in hypotonic case.
The plant cell is in hypotonic case because the the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than in the cell. Plant cell do not burst in hypotonic solution because they have a cellulose cell wall outside its cell membrane. The cell wall is permeable and it's prevent the cell from bursting after it absorb water through osmosis.
Fermentation is a chemical process that occurs in the cytoplasm since it is anaerobic, that is, with the absence of oxygen.
This anaerobic process is due to the consumption of carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen compared to intense muscular demands such as high-performance physical activity, that is why the obtaining of energy is high, since the purpose is not to anabolize but to catalyze hydrates in order to obtain the energy currency that is ATP and thus produce the contraction of the muscular sarcomero by the union of myosin with actin.
So when the parent cell dies you have an identical cell with the same information. That can preform the same task