They found evidence of an impact crater in Mexico
The K-Pg boundary is the boundary that separates two periods, but also two eras. The two periods that are separated by this boundary are the Cretaceous and the Tertiary, while the two eras are the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. The boundary is marked by a mass extinction, and the scientists started to hypothesize as to why it happened. There were numerous different theories, but a clue in Mexico, or rather right next to the Yucatan Peninsula, shed new light on it. The scientists found an impact crater, formed either by a large asteroid or a comet. Such an impact would have easily caused sudden and drastic changes on the Earth, killing of the majority of the species. This impact released such a big amount of energy that it killed everything in the surrounding area in seconds. On top of that, it caused an extremely hot wave of air across the whole planet, killing many more organisms. It managed to trigger most of the volcanoes to erupt, as well as the earthquakes, causing also very large tsunamis. The sunlight got blocked for quite some time from all the aerosols in the atmosphere as well. This resulted in a mass extinction of the dominant species, like the dinosaurs, but it opened up the terrain for the evolution of the others, like the mammals.
The correct answer is D, the Himalayan Mountains.
The Himalayas is a high mountain system in Asia. It is the highest mountain range on Earth and lies between the Indian subcontinent in the south and the Tibetan highlands in the north. The mountains stretch for a length of about 3000 kilometers from Pakistan to Burma and reach a width of up to 350 kilometers. In the Himalayas are ten of the fourteen highest mountains on earth, the peaks of which are more than 8000 meters high, including Mount Everest, which is 8848 m above sea level being the highest mountain on Earth. With its southern location and the Tibetan highlands rising up in the back of the Himalayas as an extensive high plateau, the Himalayas have a great influence on the climate of South and Southeast Asia.
49 or 50
It depends on who's saying.
The National Geographic Society claims Hawaii (in the Pacific Ocean) is considered part of North America.
The World Atlas identifies Hawaii as part of the continent of Oceania, not North America.
we know as per The Bible that misogyny is thought hatred of women or prejudice against girls or women.
as Jacob Esau and Jacob both twins are the son of Isaac and Rebekah was the ultimate example of affection of mother to his son
so here Rebekah abets Jacob in receiving his father blessing disguised as Escue
so here we cay given statement is true