Geiger-Muller tube is instruments requires you test three times the background of the work area.
These detectors are gas filled detectors and hence requires time for responding to the value. This time is taken because during this period it collects the electric charges and features of the electric circuit. It also gets stabilized during this period. This device has thumb rule i.e one must wait or hold for at the least 3 times the time constant before getting the precise and accurate reading. The time constant order is 10 seconds for the ionization chamber but for the Geiger counter it can vary from seconds to greater than 20 seconds
Answer: The phagocyte’s ability to destroy the ingested pathogen is compromised and it will become inactive.
There are different hydrolytic enzymes. Lysozyme attacks cell walls of gram positive bacteria. Elastase is a protease. Collagenase attacks collagen, produced by some bacteria. Plasminogen activator is also a protease.
Loss of function of any one of these enzymes will reduce or prevent the breakdown of bacteria in the phagosome (vacuole) so that the phagocyte is inactivated.
The animals present body structure is due to evolution. It is seen in each part including the structure of the heart. The vertebrate heart becomes complex from a simpler form.
Invertebrates, the heart of fishes is two-chambered having one auricle and one ventricle. The deoxygenated blood gets purified in the gills. They are aquatic and no lungs for breathing. The hearts pump a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to the body.
The amphibians and reptiles have 3 chambered heart as they lead terrestrial mode of life. The gills modified into the lungs. The left auricle receives pure blood and the right auricle receives deoxygenated blood. The blood purified in the lungs and in the ventricle, both types of blood get a mix. The ventricle pumps the mixed-blood throughout the body.
In the case of birds and mammal, the heart is 4 chambered and the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are separated. These two are higher vertebrates. No mix of pure and impure blood, the body receives only the oxygenated blood.
This shows to construct the phylogenetic tree of vertebrates - the fishes should be in the bottom, and above it amphibians, reptiles, then, mammals and birds on the top branch of the tree. As the chambers and structure of the hearts modified one after another.
If radioactive deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP) is added to a culture of rapidly growing bacterial cells, you will find the greatest concentration of radioactivity in the Nucleoid.
Deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP); is one of the four nucleoside triphosphates that are used in the in vivo synthesis of DNA. Unlike the other deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, thymidine triphosphate does not always contain the "deoxy" prefix in its name
Radioactivity; decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation