Peacebuilding is an activity that aims to resolve injustice in nonviolent ways and to transform the cultural & structural conditions that generate deadly or destructive conflict. It revolves around developing constructive personal, group, and political relationships across ethnic, religious, class, national, and racial boundaries. This process includes violence prevention; conflict management, resolution, or transformation; and post-conflict reconciliation or trauma healing, i.e., before, during, and after any given case of violence.[1][2][3]
The capitalist economic system. A capitalist economy is a for profit one, where people engage in production and business dealing (e.g. trading) in order to produce private profit (e.g. wage).
Strengthened the central government
lowered taxes and took some lands from wealthy to give to peasants
revived civil service -> intelligent and capable governing class --> moderately wealthy families shared in China's government
crushing taxes during fall
People were able to specialize and trade, which made their city wealthier, stronger, and even more likely to make allies. :)