Neologism is indicative of a thought disorder, in this case, schizophrenia. From Greek, Neo means new, and logos means word. Neo+logos = new words.
This is categorized under Positive Symptoms, psychotic behaviors that aren't usually seen in or displayed by healthy people.
ARRAIGNMENT was the cause of crime i think.....
At the conclusion of the War of 1812 in 1815, President James Madison requested Congressional approval for military action against the Barbary Pirates. ... He was killed at the beginning of the naval battle with Commodore Decatur's squadron on 17 June 1815 by an American broadside.The Second Barbary War (1815), under President James Madison's term, was more ham-fisted than the first. In this war, U.S.
what's the question your asking?
It’s 1x2x6 that what it is