With a partner, clarify information. Student A asks a question with invers,
then Student B replies in the affirmative with the words in parentheses. Follow the example.
We're talking. (until morning)
A: Are we talking?
B: Yes, we talk until the morning.
1. Max phones his friend.
(in Fort-de-France)
2. Hélène lives with her parents.
(in Martinique)
3. Max and Hélène are going to dance.
(tomorrow night)
4. It's snowing. (a lot)
5. Sabrina and Michèle ski.
(in the Laurentians)
6. Nadine takes pictures.
(from his vacation)
Does it snow a lot? (Quebec City)
Mes copains sont amusants.
La femme et l'homme sont polis.
Les étudiantes sont occupées.
Marceau et toi, vous êtes élégants.
Justine est réservée.
La différence est importante.
Mme Onfret, vous êtes sincère.
Tu es difficile !
Les origines de la Révolution française sont multiples, d'ordre social, économique et politique.
<span>The origins of the French Revolution are multiple social, economic and political<span>.</span></span>