The first IBM PC virus in the "wild" was a boot sector virus dubbed (c)Brain, created in 1986 by Amjad Farooq Alvi and Basit Farooq Alvi in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter unauthorized copying of the software they had written. The first virus to specifically target Microsoft Windows, WinVir was discovered in April 1992, two years after the release of Windows 3.0.
The algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. Display "Input Item Price: "
3. Input Price
4. Markup = Price + 80% * Price
5. Selling_Price = 10% * Markup
6. Display "The Selling Price is "+Selling_Price
7. Stop
This signals the beginning of the algorithm
1. Start
This is a prompt that asks for the price of the item
2. Display "Input Item Price: "
This gets the price of the item
3. Input Price
This calculates the Markup (80% of the inputted price)
4. Markup = Price + 80% * Price
This calculates the selling price (10% of the markup)
5. Selling_Price = 10% * Markup
This prints the selling price
6. Display "The Selling Price is "+Selling_Price
This signals the end of the algorithm
7. Stop
I am sure the answer is A
As you can see from the graph, the first time they pumped air, the numbers were 6, 1.2, and 2. Once they start pumping the numbers decrease. Therefore, I think the answer is A. It went to 5.7, 4, and 2 from 6, 1.2, and 2.1.
Yes it does use search boxes
Any image that helps you, the reader, understand the text that the visual aid is accompanied with is referred to as a visual graphic or graphic aid.
Too frequently, readers lazily scan or entirely ignore graphs, diagrams, charts, and tables. Grid graphs, tables, bar charts, flow charts, maps, pie diagrams, and drawings and sketches are the most popular. Relationships are displayed using grid graphs. A visual aid should always be used in conjunction with preparation to interest the audience, improve their comprehension of your message, elicit an emotional response, and assist you in communicating it effectively. Charts, diagrams, graphs, maps, flashcards, posters, images, photos, booklets, folders, pamphlets, cartoons, and comics are examples of graphic aids.
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