Cotton prices continued to drop, and it decreased to 7.5 cents a pound by 1892. Efforts by farmers to bring political change and economic change in the Bourbon-Democratic party looked impossible. This made farmers to support the Populist party.
Inflation refers to a situation where there is a general increase in prices for the goods and services sold in the market.
This is generally bad for wage and salary workers because the increase in their earning usually outpaced by the increase in prices. Overtime, This will cause a decrease in standard of living because the amount of products that they can afford using their earnings continue to decrease.
To go make fishers of men....
When you are dealing with this type of situation, there are some strategies that you can try and that are likely to help you get out of your problem.
First, if you have people around you that might help you out, take advantage of it. Try speaking with an instructor or classmate and return to the question afterwards. Another strategy is to look over the question again and try to find any hints that address the part of the calculation that you are unsure about. Finally, if these strategies do not work, submit your answer and adjust it according to the feedback you receive.
B. special effects
In the 19th century, there were no computers of special camera to effect special effects, it is a 20th century development. Special effects was not influenced by 19th century visual culture. On the contrary, tableaux of key dramatic moments, indoor lighting systems, painted sets and props, participation of famous stage actors are part of 19th century visual culture that had an influence on the staging of early films.