the breaststroke is good since it helps you get air and stay calm but im not sure about it helping breathing issues
Work outs such as running, weight lifting and swimming.
Alcohol Damages the Developing Brain
Alcohol adversely affects a teenager's brain more than an adult brain because the adolescent brain is still developing. Alcohol can damage every brain, but for teenagers, the damage is more severe and can occur with smaller amounts of alcohol than with adults.
The two root words for kidney are nephro and rene. Nephro is for nephrosis, and rene is for renal artery.
Parkinson's disease is a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for how the brain deals with stress, especially the fight-or-flight response. Thus, it affects greatly on the movements of the body. Also, dopamine is responsible for information processing. That is why people with Parkinson's disease have trouble in retaining their memories or be in deep concentration.