As Germany and Italy invaded other nations and expanded their empires, Britain and France chose appeasement, allowing German and
Italian aggression. Do you agree or disagree with the appeasement policy of Britain and France during this time? Explain your answer. Please help I don’t understand this.
See when Germany was going for more nations to mark Germans as a “master race” which would lead to his down fall Britain maintained hitler by making him sign a contract agreeing to not taking over any new land after hitler signed Germany continued invading which lead to war this wars name was the phony war because nothing really happened
In the early 30s, all of Europe was woefully unprepared for a full scale war. Germany and Italy showed no regard for following the treaty of Versailles (the ww1 peace treaty) and were constantly threatening war with the countries they were demanding something from. Not wanting a full scale war, France and Britain adopted the idea of "appeasement" which was to give Germany and Italy what they wanted so they would stop pushing Europe to the brink of war. For example, when Germany demanded the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, Prime Minister of Britain Neville Chamberlain met with the Germans in Munich and gave them what they wanted. A part of this deal was that Germany would make no further attempts to seize territories from other nations. Both parties agreed (without the Czech government's permission) and Germany received the Sudetenland. However shortly after the treaty of Munich was signed, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia to "maintain stability in the country and protect German minorities". So I think we can all guess whether this tactic was good or bad (it was bad). When Hitler demanded Danzig from Poland not too long after annexing most of Czechoslovakia, the Poles refused to cede any territory and the Allies (France and Britain) said they would declare war if Germany attacked Poland. When Hitler did eventually invade Poland, appeasement ended and WW2 began.
Eisenhower believed that it was very important to keep a non-Communist government in Vietnam. It was believed by many at that time that Communists all over the world were united in a international conspiracy and their plan was to topple non-communist governments one by one until they achieved world wide domination.