not so much.....
I only liked to go to dinner when the dinner is not from my side,that will be given by my friend or another one, only then I liked to go to dinner. LoL....
just kidding brother.....
Here it is:
In the movie, life is really beautiful.The main character was Guido,an optimistic person.He has a personality that always puts a smile on the face even things doesn't go well with his expectations.He is good at accepting things,like when there is negative thing happens, seems he is not even affected at all aspects but the truth is,he does.
Guido and me are somehow alike.In front of the people, being funny,silly,goofy and a happy girl they see,but deep inside I have a lot of battles that I just kept hidden.Somebody could not thought that,at this age,I already take some breakthroughs.
Nick's bias becomes clear in the earliest pages of the book, when he tells us that <u>“there was something gorgeous about him [Gatsby], some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life.”</u> We are inclined to see Gatsby as a sensitive genius and to side with him in the romantic triangle between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom.
Breaking free of societal restraints.
Hi! This is one of my favorite stories and here are the answers/ my opinions.
1) Arachne's pride and bigheadedness causes her to be blind to the praise she is given
2) Arachne could have thanked the old lady and accepted her advice.
3) She disrespects the numerous gods in the woven cloth.
4) Athena could have seen forgiveness or could have given Arachne the prize for winning (even though in Athenas place it was only right Archne was punished)
Hope I helped, tell me if I'm wrong!