Having a distorted perception of one's own body, weighing less than one should based on height and weight, and having an intense
fear of becoming overweight are symptoms of _____, whereas the act of bingeing (and feeling one has lost control during the binge)and purging are symptoms of _______.a) anorexia nervosa; lateral hypothalamus damage.b) bulimia nervosa; binge eating disorder.c) anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa.d) ventromedial hypothalamus damage; lateral hypothalamus damage.general-psychology
Anorexia nervosa, additionally called anorexia, is a possibly perilous dietary issue that is portrayed without anyone else starvation and inordinate weight reduction. The turmoil is analyzed when an individual weighs in any event 15% not as much as their typical/perfect body weight. Extraordinary weight reduction in individuals with anorexia nervosa can prompt risky medical issues and even demise.
Bulimia nervosa, otherwise called basically bulimia, is a dietary issue described by gorging followed by purging. Binge eating alludes to eating a lot of nourishment in a short measure of time. Purging alludes to the endeavors to dispose of the nourishment consumed. This might be finished by regurgitating or taking laxatives.
Having a distorted perception of one's own body, weighing less than one should based on height and weight, and having an intense fear of becoming overweight are symptoms of anorexia nervosa, whereas the act of bingeing (and feeling one has lost control during the binge)and purging are symptoms of bulimia nervosa.a) anorexia nervosa; lateral hypothalamus damage.b) bulimia nervosa; binge eating disorder.<u>c) anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa.</u>d) ventromedial hypothalamus damage; lateral hypothalamus damage.general-psychology