People might be racist because they don’t feel comfortable around another race because they have never talked to someone of that origin so instead of trying to come up with a conversation they find it easier to make fun of them. I think racism is a problem because it doesn’t let people fully speak with one another clearly.
Sappho(570 BCE)
Cleopatra(69 BCE-30 BCE)
Mary Magdalene(4 BCE-40 BCE)
Boudicca(1st century BCE)
Helen Keller(1880-1968)
Rosa Parks(1913-2005)
Marilyn Monroe(1926-1962)
Anne Frank(1929-1945)
Audrey Hepburn(1929-1993)
Oprah Winfrey(1954-)
Diana, Princess of Wales(1961-1997)
J.K Rowling(1965-)
Tegla Loroupe(1973-)
Malala Yousafzai(1997-)
One of the reasons why there was a need for reform in the US during the mid-1800s is because the US was expanding economically at a rapid pace, as well as expanding to the west, and there was practically no government oversight of growth--which led to people and firms being taken advantage of.
cheeseburger (x-burger), cookies, diet, and more
Communism failed to provide incentives for workers and citizens to work hard and be productive. While there are many benefits from equality, if pushed to an extreme it robs people of an incentive to make an effort. There was little if any reward for hard work or innovation and a lack of punishment for poor or inefficient work. The lack of incentives was a major reason for the poor performance of Eastern Europe economies.