No, they could not interbreed.
When a group of squirrels separate from each other and develop its unique characteristics, this is known as <em><u>speciation</u></em>. One type of speciation is <em><u>allopatic speciation </u></em>in which one squirrel's species separate into two separate groups and isolated from each other because of the physical barrier. This physical barrier can be a mountain range or waterway and makes it <u>impossible to breed with one another</u>. Each squirrels species develop unique genetic characteristics due to change in habitat and genetic variations are transferred to their offspring.
The common function of antennae in arthropod is to smell
Antennae are a long sensory appendages on the head of insects, crustaceans and some arthropods. They are usually covered with alfactory receptors that can detect odor molecules in the air that is the sense of smell, therefore they are the noise of insects and some arthropods
A genetic factor for a trait that is always expressed when it is present is best described as dominant.
Homologies - phenotypic and genetic similarities due to shared ancestry
Analogies (homoplastic) - similarities between two species due to convergent evolution instead of descent from a common ancestor with the same trait
In general, organisms that share very similar morphologies or similar DNA sequences are likely to be more closely related than organisms with vastly different structures or sequences. In some cases, however, the morphological divergence between related species can be great and their genetic divergence small (or vice versa).
(plants very different, bc diverged 50 mil years ago)
If internal anatomy, physiology, and reproductive systems are very dissimilar, probably analogous.
The more elements that are similar in two complex structures, the more likely it is that the structures evolved from a common ancestor. If genes in two organisms share many portions of their nucleotide sequences, it is likely that the genes are homologous.: