the gulf costal plains because it would be easy to get water for the crops
Information reach
Information reach is the amount of different people an information or advert is able to get to and also what fraction of these individuals fall into the audience to which an information or ad is targeted.
A general measure of reach for a Website is its amount of "unique visitors per month." For example, supposing an advert banner campaign was tailored to car owners. If the Website visited got a unique visitors of 100,000 a month where 90% of the audience are car owners, an advertisement campaign on such the site would reach 90,000 diverse car owners in a one-month run.
Department of the Interior
The institution that is always on disposal for the Indian reservations in case they need assistance is the Department of the Interior. In order for a group of Native Americans to be granted a reservation it has be part of a recognized tribe/nation in the United States. There are 567 recognized tribes but only 326 of them have their own reservations. The Native Americans that live in the reservations live mixed lives, as they both embrace the modern way of living to a certain extent, but also try to preserve their culture and traditions.
Food and supplies, trade, equality, economy, army, weapons,education and navy.
Explanation: You need food, trade and supplies to sustain your people. Incase of invasions, you need an army and strategy in order to either conquer or defend against the enemy. Trade is what gives you those supplies, and it's also how your people have an stable economy. Certain weapons and strategy determine your army's strength, and to go with that, you'll need a navy to defend sea routes from pirates. (Airplanes aren't a factor in this situation since we're talking about the Ottoman empire.) Equality is one many don't mention. The Ottoman empire is very diverse. So treat people the same you'd want to be treated. Everyone's equal, so no civil revolts. Everyone under this government is a citizen. They won't turn back and betray you because of a solid foundation of trust. Your soldiers will be loyal, and your people loving. In my opinion, aside from food and water, that's one of the most important parts. Another one is education. With everyone educated, they have more potential. They can innovate and add to the empire's centuries of success. With more advancements on the way, we can be modernized and discover more. Take Genghis Khan for example. Sure he was a war-mongering Mongolian, but his reign lasted so long because of how organized his government was. He had scholars spread their wisdom, religious freedom, rights for women, a strong army, flourishing trade along the silk road, and patience. He negotiated peace and shared ideas with others. His empire flourished until it later collapsed under the weak rule of his descendants. If we do the same, we could be better.