The term "lipid" does not specify a particular chemical structure. Whereas one can write a general formula for an amino acid, nucleic acid, or protein, lipids are much more chemically diverse. Compounds are categorized as lipids based on their greater solubility in organic solvents than in water.
Evolution is a gradual change in a population that occurs overtime in a species.
The function of G-Protein’s become defective and abnormal after the addition ADP-ribose to the G protein by the A sub unit. this phenomenon is called as ADP-ribosylation which result in the permanent activation of G-protein . When the G-Protein become active, the enzyme adenyl cyclase converts ATP into cAMP. Increase concentration in the cAMP blocks the transportation of sodium from the lumen into the bloodstream. the amount of Chloride and bicarbonate also increases. Due to the continuous increase of the ions, water moves into by osmosis from the bloodstream and cholera occurs.
The SI base unit for amount of substance is the mole. 1 mole is equal to 1 moles Argon, or 39.948 grams.
The epiglottis is a leaf like structure tat rests above the voice box/larynx and its main function is to seal off the windpipe during eating, so that food is not accidentally inhaled down the wind pipe. When water goes down the wrong pipe, it goes down the windpipe instead of the oesophagus resulting in water going to your lungs which causes the coughing as a protective reflex to clear the windpipe