Genetic drift= Evolution that occurs as a result of chance events.
Phosphorus: a vital source of animal nutrition. Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals in animal nutrition. It is the second most abundant element in an animal's body after calcium, with 80% of phosphorus found in the bones and teeth, with the remainder located in the body fluids and soft tissue.
That would be C.
Rise in temperature can cause enzymes(proteins) to denature, change their shape and thus their function.
It is the cerebellum’s duty to receive information from the sensory systems, the spinal chord, and other parts of the brain. After receiving all the information from those parts, the cerebellum will then regulate the motor movements. It is the work of the cerebellum to coordinate voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in smooth and balanced muscular activity. It also has some roles such as storing learned sequence of movements, participates in fine tuning and coordination of movements produced elsewhere in the brain and it integrates all of these things to produce movements. Because of the harmonious and fluid coordination of all the movements caused by the cerebellum, we are not even aware that we are doing those actions. The cerebellum is responsible and is important in learning and implementing of the motor skills.