b. cost
Assets are accounted for under IAS 16 Property plant and Equipment, IAS 38 Intangible assets and IAS 40 and 41 Investment property and Biological assets.
The historical cost principle requires that assets on initial recognition be recorded at cost. This cost is maintained even as depreciation is charged for the use of the asset.
The cost is then netted off the accumulated depreciation to get the net book value of the asset or the carrying amount.
I believe this is true.
A fib is a white lie, meaning that it is not an important lie, but rather something small and meaningless that won't harm anyone. So if there are no dangers of causing troubles for other people, most people will usually lie in order to get what they want.
Total carrying cost is $240.
EOQ= 400 units
Annual carrying cost= (EOQ/2)*Cn
Letter d is correct. A waiver of breach
In this situation Sadie filed a waiver of the violation. This occurs when the contractor waives his legal rights in respect of any breach of contract. As was the case with Sean, a contract to replace Sadie's carpeting, which consequently damaged some of its walls, resulting in poor contract performance.
Beg AP bal = 3000
Sold 1/2 of merch on acct = add 2500
Paid suppliers = subtract 1000
Bought more merch on acct = add 4000
3000 + 2500 - 1000 + 4000 = 8500
Ending AP bal = 8500